Ice & Avalanche Safety
Copyright Adrian Nelhams
There is no doubt about it - winter climbing is AWESOME but it does come with some pretty serious risks. Most argue that it is these inherent risks that make the sport what it is and for some the best way of staying safe is to hire a Guide. Others are happy to head out on their own after gaining skills through a course but the beauty of winter climbing is the freedom to take and assess your own risks on your own terms.
Whatever way you like to enjoy this brilliant sport it’s important to arm yourself with the right information to make good decisions. UIAGM/IFMGA Mountain Guide Adrian Nelhams has ice climbed all over the world. He shares his vast experience both as Technical Director for the British Mountain Guides and as Director of The International School of Mountaineering. Luckily for us (and you) he’s put together this great little flyer to highlight some of the key questions to ask before setting out …….