Kendal Mountain Festival
Our podcast season at Kendal Film Festival meant Outdoor Gear Chat was joined by special guests from across the outdoor industry including brand specialists, product designers, gear testers, brand ambassadors, sponsored athletes, national centres and charities. We even got to record live in The Barrel House! Listen to our podcasts for information on outdoor clothing and equipment design, passion, science, expertise, ultra runners, mountaineers, rock climbers and a little peek into what goes on behind the scenes at your favourite brands.
Expedition Event 2022 Roundup
Expedition Event Round Up outlining the free talks, workshops, outdoor professionals and specialist climbing, mountaineering and expedition equipment and advice available at Joe browns and The Climbers Shop.
Olympic Performance Stoves
Soto stoves from Japan are designed for extreme cold and high mountain environments but they also designed the 2020 Tokyo Olympic torches!
Buyers Guide to Ice Axes
Great tips on what to look for when buying your ice axe and why there are so many different ones for winter walking, winter climbing, mountaineering, ski-touring and ice climbing.
Get Ready For Winter!
British Mountain Guide Adrian Nelhams gives tips on keeping your crampons, ice axes and ice screws in good condition ready for winter mountaineering and ice climbing.