Kendal Mountain Festival
Our podcast season at Kendal Film Festival meant Outdoor Gear Chat was joined by special guests from across the outdoor industry including brand specialists, product designers, gear testers, brand ambassadors, sponsored athletes, national centres and charities. We even got to record live in The Barrel House! Listen to our podcasts for information on outdoor clothing and equipment design, passion, science, expertise, ultra runners, mountaineers, rock climbers and a little peek into what goes on behind the scenes at your favourite brands.
Waterproof Fabrics Are Changing - Here’s What You Need To Know….
There are big changes happening in the world of waterproof clothing. They're a long time coming and are great news for the environment BUT we will all need to learn how to use and maintain the new technologies so we can enjoy hill waling, backpacking, trail running, hiking, climbing and mountaineering.
#ClimbGreen to win an Edelrid ECO DRY DT 9.6 MM x 60M rope!
Enter our fantastic competition with Edelrid and UK Climbing to Climb Green and be in with a chance of winning an Eco Climbing Rope! Love the environment while you rock climb.
New Slate Guide
New rock climbing and bouldering guide book to the Llanberis slate quarries. Written by Joe Brown staff team member Neil Harrison.
Buyers guide to Ropes
Advice on how to choose a rope for rock climbing and mountaineering either indoors at the climbing wall or outdoors on the mountain crags.